Climate Change and Land Use

Course description
The course covers a range of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. It features a comprehensive analysis of climate change and land use in relation to food, fodder, timber and bioenergy production, an overview of the global N and C cycles, and a comparison of regional differences in land use and agricultural/silvicultural traditions in developed versus developing countries. An analysis of how different land use systems can be managed to adapt to current and long-term climate change is also performed. Finally, future perspectives for sustainable land use are analyzed.
Recommended academic qualifications
If you have completed the Forestry and Landscape Engineering programme, you are qualified for this course.
Academic qualifications equivalent to a BSc degree is recommended.
The University of Copenhagen
Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences
SCIENCE Student Services
Call (+45) 35 33 35 33 from 9.00-12:30 (closed Wednesdays)
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