Who benefits from the opportunities of globalisation? And who is excluded?

The modern world faces a number of challenges that are global in nature, such as migration, climate change, inequality, energy crises, food supply, and poverty. Both national and global processes contribute to causes as well as solutions, and both public and private sectors need well-trained postgraduates specialized in the global south.

Understand global trends through education focused on the global south

The economic development has bettered living standards for large parts of the world’s population, but many still live in poverty. The global trends of capital, knowledge, and commodities – and local ways to handle these – all factor into life in the global south. By furthering your education in this field, you’ll be able analyse and understand the challenges and ramifications in an international context.

Development in a complex and differentiated world

Inequality and development are global matters, and the new, active actors in the field of development have arrived in places like China and India among others. The dominant power structures between countries are changing as well, and Africa, Asia, and Latin America are currently experiencing rapid changes that turn traditional structures of dependence upside down.

Both the public and the private sector have an express need for postgraduates who are able to understand and skilfully navigate the complexities of individual countries in Africa, Asia, and Latin America.

Get research-based knowledge, professional inspiration, and an expanded skillset concerning the global south with a continuing education at the University of Copenhagen.

Maj-Britt Johannsen, Head of studies, Faculty of Theology


Customised courses

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