
Single Subject Courses

You can complete continuing or further education through single subject courses. You can build on your experience and specialise within a given subject or build new competences. You get access to the latest research and knowledge, and the opportunity to discuss challenges and issues with SCIENCE’s full-time students and researchers.

There are a limited number of places, and they are allocated on a first-come, first-served basis, so don’t delay!

SCIENCE offers a wide range of single subject courses at both bachelor and graduate level.  The courses typically run over 7-9 weeks, and classes are held during normal working hours. A typical course has 1-1½ days of timetabled activity per week, and you will attend the courses together with SCIENCE students.

The range of courses for the coming academic year will be published at by 1 May, but you can only apply up to two months before the deadline for applications

You cannot do projects or Master’s thesis as a single subject student.  







How to register for a single subject course:

  • Apply for registration for a single subject course in the application portal
  • Please fill out an application for each course you want to take
  • Attach documentation for your education (diploma, course certificate etc.)
  • If you are unable to meet the formal admission requirements, you must enclose a reasoned application for an exemption from the admission requirements. See the section on ‘Admission requirements’ for more information
  • If you are not an EU/EEA citizen, but have a permanent residence permit or a temporary residence permit with a view to permanent residence, you must submit your residence permit with your application
  • Please check the quick guide if you need help using the application portal, here.

Deadlines for applications in 24/25


First application



Second application

Block start 24/25

Block 1

10 Apr - 10 June

15 Aug

11 June - 22 Aug

2 Sep

Block 2

10 Apr - 10 Sep

15 Oct

11 Sep - 7 Nov

18 Nov

Block 3

10 Oct - 10 Dec

15 Jan

11 Dec - 23 Jan

3 Feb

Block 4

10 Oct - 10 Mar

15 Apr

11 Mar - 10 Apr

22 Apr

Block 5 

1 Feb - 1 Apr

15 May

2 Apr*

1 July

* We accept applications until 10 days before the course start for block 5 courses. The course start can be found in the course description on

Two application periods

If you apply during the first application period, you are secured an early answer to your application. There is also a greater likelyhood of getting a seat in the course, because the course capacity is higher.

If you apply during the second application period, please note that we cannot guarantee that your application will be processed before the study start. Neither can we guarantee a seat on the requested course if you apply after the early deadlines. However, we do our best to process all applications in time.

Admission and intake

If you meet the admission requirements, you have a good chance of being admitted to the single subject course. However, you are not guaranteed a seat as there may be no vacant slots on the course. Please note that even though the course description specifies that there is an “unlimited number of places”, the capacity on the individual courses may have changed during June/December.

Please note

  • that you cannot register for projects such as bachelor projects, projects outside the course scope or projects in practice.
  • that you cannot register for a Master’s thesis as a single subject student
  • that you can only register for multiple single subject courses on the same study programme if the total number of ECTS credits does not exceed half the ECTS credits for the study programme. For example, if you want to enrol in single subject courses on the Bachelor’s programme in Mathematics, which has a total of 180 ECTS credits, you may only enrol in Mathematics courses equal to up to 90 ECTS credits at bachelor level
  • that the applications are prioritised on a first-come, first-served basis. It is therefore a good idea to apply early. Applications received earlier than two months before the deadline will, however, be processed on an equal basis.
  • that there is no guarantee that your application will be processed if you apply after the deadline for applications.












  • Danish A
  • Mathematics A (Forest and Landscape Engineering, Garden and Park Engineering and Exercise and Sport Sciences: Mathematics B)
  • English B (Forestry and Landscape Engineering and Garden and Park Engineering: English C)

If you do not meet these requirements, you can attach an application for an exemption to your application. In your application for an exemption, you must describe your qualifications for being able to follow and pass the course. For example, another study programme, experience from your working life or the like.

Programme-specific requirements

Before you register for a single subject course at bachelor level, you must check whether there are programme-specific admission requirements for the course in question. This may be the case if the course is provided under a specific study programme.
You can check the requirements by: 

  1. finding the course description at and looking under ‘Study programme’

  2. finding the relevant study programme in the list of study programmes at UCPH. Check the admission requirements under ‘Admission requirements and admission’ in the left-hand menu.

Formal requirements

Special admission requirements may also apply to the individual courses. This may, for example, be that you need to take a specific course first or have documented laboratory experience.

You can check whether there are formal requirements in the course description at under ‘Formal requirements’. If there is no ‘Formal requirements’ section, there are no formal requirements that you need to meet.

Admission requirements for Master’s courses

Admission to a Master’s course requires that you have completed a Bachelor’s programme in natural science.

If you have not completed a Bachelor’s programme in natural science, you may attach an application for an exemption to your application for admission. In your application for an exemption, you must describe your qualifications for being able to follow and pass the course. For example, another study programme, experience from your working life or the like.

Formal requirements

Special admission requirements may apply to the individual courses. This may, for example, be that you need to take a specific course first or have documented laboratory experience. You can check whether there are formal requirements in the course description at under ‘Formal requirements’. If there is no ‘Formal requirements’ section, there are no formal requirements that you need to meet.

Recommended academic qualifications

A number of courses have recommended academic qualifications. This may, for example, be courses that students are recommended to have followed before taking the course in question. Recommended academic qualifications are not a requirement, but they ensure that you are able to keep up on the course and get the most out of it. You can find them under ‘Recommended academic qualifications’ in the course description.









There are tuition fees for all single subject courses.

  • A course equivalent to 7.5 ECTS credits costs DKK 6,375
  • A course equivalent to 15 ECTS credits costs DKK 12,750

The price covers the classes for the single subject course and two examination attempts, i.e. an ordinary examination and a re-examination if required. Please note that there may be expenses for teaching materials and any excursions.

The tuition fee must be paid before you start, and is a prerequisite for participation in the course and the exam. 
Please note that it may take a week before your payment is registered and you access to KU's systems is activated.

Non-EU/EEA citizens

If you are not an EU/EEA citizen and do not have a permanent residence permit or a temporary residence permit with a view to permanent residence in Denmark, you must pay a supplementary fee for the single subject course.

The supplementary fee is between DKK 255 and DKK 675 per ECTS credit, depending on the given single subject course.

Independent students

If you will only be participating in the exam and not in classes, the price of an exam attempt during the exam period of the course is DKK 1,000. This is a fixed price regardless of exam type.

DKK 1.000 is also payable for a third exam attempt.

You can find out more under ‘Independent students’.

Unemployed or in rehabilitation

If you are unemployed or in rehabilitation, and the job centre or another party is paying for the single subject course, the applicable rate for part-time education set by the Ministry is added to the fee. See the rates on the Ministry of Higher Education and Science’s website. The supplementary fee is between DKK 255 and DKK 675 per ECTS credit, depending on the given single subject course. Please feel free to contact us at for information about a specific price.

If your job centre is to pay the fee, a payment agreement between SCIENCE and the job centre must be filled in. You can find a form for this here.

Payment upon registration

Once you are registered in a single subject course you will be sent an invoice. The invoice will be sent to the email address you have written on your application, or to the company’s billing address/EAN number, depending on who is paying.

Remember to write the CVR (company registration) number in the application if your employer will be paying. If you work at a government institution, you must also write the EAN number.

If you are applying for admission close to the start of the course, be sure to pay the invoice quickly, so you get access to IT systems and can attend the course from the outset.

If you do not pay before the start of the course, you will be unenrolled from the course.






You may withdraw from courses and receive a refund of the fee right up until the day before the course starts. If you wish to withdraw from a course before it starts, you must send an email to Write your name, date of birth and the title of the single subject course, and you will be unregistered from the course and your payment will be refunded.

If you have paid the fee yourself, the amount will be transferred to your Danish NemKonto account. If your employer has paid the fee, please state the company account number to which the money is to be transferred.

After the course has started, your payment cannot be refunded.












The course description shows which teaching block and schedule group the course has been placed in. You will frequently come across the concepts of teaching block and schedule group at UCPH. A description of the block structure and schedule groups at UCPH has been given below.

Block structure

SCIENCE has divided the year into five blocks, during which courses are held. Each block is nine weeks long, and consists of eight weeks of classes and an examination in week 9. You can see which block the single subject course has been assigned to in the course description.

Start of block, study year 2024/25






4 September

20 November

5 February

22  April

1 July

You can find more information and an overview of the dates for the teaching blocks in the academic calendar.

Schedule groups

All courses are divided into schedule groups. The schedule group determines the timing of the classes and examination. You can see here when the classes are held for the various schedule groups.

8.00-12.00 B A C A B

 Example: If you choose a single subject course in schedule group B, classes are held within the following times:

  • Monday 8.00-12.00
  • Tuesday 13.00-17.00
  • Friday 8.00-12.00

Please note

The schedule groups show when teaching activities can be scheduled, i.e. lectures, exercises or other teaching activities. The times of the teaching activities may vary. For example, there may be weeks where there are no teaching activities at the set times.

You can see when and where lectures and exercises will be held at least one week before the course starts. You can view your timetable on You will need your UCPH login, which you receive once your payment has been registered.

You can also use the MyUCPH app (which also requires your UCPH login). MyUCPH can be downloaded from App Store (iPhone) or Google Play (Android). You can view your timetable under ‘Personal timetable’.

It varies from course to course when the final course plan will be available. If you need more information about the timetable, you can contact the course director (listed in the course description) on













  1. Once we receive your application, it will be registered and you will get a receipt stating when you can expect a reply

  2. You will be contacted if anything is missing in your application, so that you can send supplementary material

  3. Once the application period has ended, you will be admitted to the course if you meet the admission requirements and there is a vacant seats. Vacant seats are allocated on a first-come, first-served basis

  4. If you do not meet the admission requirements or there are no vacant seats your application will be rejected

  5. If you are admitted, you will receive an admission email. An invoice will also be sent to you or to your employer (depending on what you have written in your application)

  6. You or your employer pay the inovice for the course. Please note that it may take a week from you pay the fee till we have registered your payment in our systems

  7. If you are a new at KU you will be sent an email containing your UCPH username and information on how to log in to UCPH’s systems, once your payment for the course has been received

  8. Once your payment for the course has been registered you will get access to the online platform Absalon.

  9. You are now ready to start your course.










Single subject courses are completed with an exam. You participate on equal terms with full-time students. Once you have registered for and have been admitted to the course, you are automatically registered for the ordinary exam. If you withdraw from the ordinary exam, or if you fail, please note that your exam attempts must be used either in the same academic year in which the course is scheduled or in the following year. The ordinary exam is always held immediately after the end of the course, and the re-exam is held after the next block.

See the exam dates

There may be prerequisites for sitting the exam. Prerequisites may, for example, be submission of compulsory assignments, participation in classes, etc. You can find the prerequisites in the course description on under ‘Exams’.  If you do not meet the prerequisites for sitting the exam, and you have not withdrawn your exam registration, you will have used one exam attempt.

Remember to bring your student identity card to your exam – or photo ID (passport or driving licence) if you have not received your student identity card.

Exam withdrawal

If you do not want to sit the exam, you must withdraw from the exam via KUnet > Self Service > Enrolment, courses and exams. If you do not withdraw from the exam, you will have used one exam attempt.

The final deadline for withdrawal from an ordinary exam is the day on which the exam registration period ends for our full-time students. See the periods in the study calendar.

Re-exam registration

If you fail or do not sit the ordinary exam, you must register for the re-exam by writing to You will not be registered automatically. 

See the re-exam registration deadlines in the study calendar.

Both exam attempts have been used

If you do not pass the single subject course and you want to be able to participate in classes, you must pay the full tuition fee again. Alternatively, you can register as an independent student and only pay for a new exam if the single subject course allows this. You can find out more about the rules under ‘Independent students’.


You will receive a course certificate and a transcript with your latest results, no later than a month after your exam result has been registered.

The mail will be sent to your KUmail.










If you do not wish to attend classes and solely want to sit the exam on a course, you can apply to become an independent student.

You can only be an independent student if

  • the course does not contain continuous assessment elements
  • there are no compulsory assignments for the course
  • there are no pass requirements for exercise courses
  • the exam has already been offered to full-time students
  • the course director approves that it is possible to be an independent student on the course.

As an independent student, you will not have access to the Absalon learning portal, which contains the syllabus, assignments, information, etc. You will only have access to public lectures and cannot participate in other classes.

The same application periods apply to independent students as to applications for full single-subject courses.






If you are already enrolled on a Bachelor’s or Master’s programme at SCIENCE, the following applies:

  • You can only take courses which can be included in your study programme as elective courses. If a course is included as a compulsory or restricted elective course on your study programme, you cannot take it as a single subject student. 

  • You may take courses as a single subject student if you are on leave from your study programme (but still only elective courses).

  • You cannot pay for extra exam attempts on courses where you have already used three attempts. You must apply for an exemption for this. Read more under ‘Study information’.

  • Your tuition fees will not be refunded for single subject courses even if the credits for the single subject courses are later transferred to a study programme in which you are enrolled.



If you are enrolled in the teacher training programme or if you are taking supplementary courses as an upper secondary school teacher, you must apply for admission as a single subject student.

As an upper secondary school teacher, you can apply under special deadlines:


Application period

You will receive a reply no later than

Blocks 5 + 1 + 2

1 April -1 June

Block 5: 30 June

Blocks 1+2: 15 July

Blocks 3 + 4 + 5

1 October-1 December

15 January

Please note that if you apply after the above deadlines, the same deadline applies as for all other single subject students.

Except for the deadlines, you are subject to the same terms and conditions as other single subject students.

Read more

You can read more about supplementary courses as an upper secondary school teacher here (in Danish).



How many exam attempts do I have for the amount I have paid?

When you register for the course, you have also paid for two exam attempts: one exam attempt in the ordinary period and one subsequent re-exam attempt.  You must use the two attempts within two years, so that the second exam attempt can be used at the first re-exam or for the ordinary exam or re-exam in the next academic year. If you need a third exam attempt, you must pay a fee of DKK 1,000 for this.