Master's project

During the master's project, you will apply knowledge about scientific methods for the solution of a scientific problem within the field of medicines regulatory science
Professional Master
Start date
See details
Individual agreement
Registration deadline
Rolling admission

The topic of the master's project topic in Medicines Regulatory Affairs, can be

  • an investigation of a particular regulatory case
  • implementation of a regulatory activity in a company
  • or a study of a particular regulatory problem.

In any event, the selected subject should be put into the context of a broad regulatory perspective.

The master's project in Medicines Regulatory Affairs typically comprises a literature study on a selected topic, selection and description of relevant regulations, guidelines literature and scientifically based documentation, a discussion of the scientific based documentation related to the relevant literature, regulations and guidelines as well as a conclusion on the results of the project.

Details about Master's Project



Tuition Fees

EU/EEA citizens: 15,900 DKK*
Non-EU/EEA citizens: 23,100 DKK

Terms and conditions

*Citizens of the EU, EEA or Switzerland is entitled to a subsidised tuition fee, due to EU legislation, hence the difference in price. 


The Master's project is not available for single course students.

Read more about the Master of Medicines Regulatory Affairs and apply for the programme here: Master of Medicines Regulatory Affairs.


University of Copenhagen
Department of Pharmacy/
Department of Drug Design and Pharmacology
Universitetsparken 2
2100 Copenhagen


Annette Villumsen
Study Administration Officer 
Tel.: +45 35 33 60 66