INTERVIEW 2025.02.05 Interview with Nick Baumgart COPE interviews Nick Baumgart, PhD fellow at the Global Health Section and member of the Copenhagen…
RESEARCH 2025.01.30 Climate change increased the likelihood of wildfire disaster in highly exposed Los Angeles area Associate Professor Emmanuel Raju and PhD Fellow Nick Baumgart from COPE and the Global Health…
PERSPECTIVE 2024.12.16 Urban encroachment – untangling drivers and dynamics of land-use transitions in ecologically sensitive areas Manja Hoppe Andreasen, Associate Professor at KU discusses her project on urban encroachment in…
PhD 2024.12.01 PhD and Post-Doc vacancies at the Global Health Section The Global Health Section at the Department of Public Health is offering two a PhD and a Postdoc…
INTERVIEW 2024.11.18 Interview with Olivier Rubin COPE interviews Olivier Rubin, Professor of Disaster Research and member of the Copenhagen Center…
RESEARCH 2024.09.26 New study on September 2024 floods in Central Europe Researchers Emmanuel Raju and Nick Baumgart from the Global Health Section, University of Copenhage…
RESEARCH 2024.09.06 Learning from memories and experiences of the COVID-19 pandemic for the future Researchers Emmanuel Raju, Anne Bach Nielsen and Suchismita Goswami from the Global Health section…
WEBINAR 2024.08.06 Webinar on CliCNord - the Main Findings: Full Recording On June 6 2024, the Copenhagen Center for Disaster Research, along with University College…
PERSPECTIVE 2024.08.05 We are all Storytellers: Art and Narrative as a tool for climate and humanitarian communication at the Red Cross Climate Centre Raramai is a former MSc Global health student at University of Copenhagen. She specialised in…
PERSPECTIVE 2024.08.05 The Influence of Cash Assistance on Disaster Response and the Humanitarian System Pablo V. Holm-Nielsen defended his PhD thesis “The Influence of Cash Assistance on Disaster Respons…
RESEARCH 2024.06.18 Urban planning at the heart of increasingly severe East African flood impacts in a warming world COPE Director Emmanuel Raju and Global Health Student Nick Baumgart are co-authors of the report…
PERSPECTIVE 2024.06.11 Unravelling Water Scarcity and Pathogen Transmission: PhD Research Stay in Bangladesh Sara Almeida is a PhD fellow at COPE and her research is part of the DANIDA funded WatScarce…
INTERVIEW 2024.06.11 Interview with Kristoffer Langkjær Albris COPE interviews Kristoffer Albris, Associate Professor at Anthropology and SODAS, University of…
WORKSHOP 2024.06.05 "Translating climate science for international law": COPE hosts the second multidisciplinary workshop in Copenhagen After kicking off their collaboration in Amsterdam in June 2023, a multidisciplinary group of…
REPORT 2024.05.24 Borgernes forståelser af skybrud og andre beredskabshændelser samt forventninger til kommunikation i Frederiksberg Kommune Nina Blom Andersen and Louise Hill have published a report (in Danish) presenting the findings from…
STUDENTS 2024.05.13 Student experience in the Vulnerability and Risk Assessment Methods course, Chennai 2024 As part of the Master of Disaster Management programme, this year’s Vulnerability and Risk…
RESEARCHER SPOTLIGHT 2024.04.30 Healthy Future exhibition features Peter Kjær Mackie Jensen COPE member and associate professor at the University of Copenhagen, Peter Kjær Mackie Jensen is…
RESEARCH 2024.04.25 Social media and crowdsourcing in disaster risk management: Trends, gaps, and insights from the current state of research Social media and crowdsourcing (SMCS) are increasingly used as tools to govern disasters.…
2024.04.23 Rethinking Vulnerability in the Nordic countries: Lessons from the COVID-19 Pandemic Researchers Emmanuel Raju, Claudia Morsut, Olivier Rubin, Gyöngyi Kovács, Johan von Schreeb, Carina…
PERSPECTIVE 2024.04.23 Living and Working through Heatwaves in Urban Chennai- Field Reflections Globally heat is becoming an urgent disaster that needs to be acted upon. Heatwaves are…
INTERVIEW 2024.04.23 Interview with Marianne Bach Mosebo Meet Marianne Bach Mosebo, Assistant Professor at the University College Copenhagen. She is…
PERSPECTIVE 2024.04.23 Climate Change Resilience in Small Communities in the Nordic Countries (CliCNord) Climate change is also affecting the Nordic countries, and there are vulnerable geographical areas…
Inauguration 2024.03.11 Inaugural Lecture by Professor Olivier Rubin We would like to invite you all to the inaugural lecture by the newly appointed Professor Olivier…
LINKS EU Project 2024.02.08 Exploring the impacts of social media and crowdsourcing on disaster resilience This paper provides insights into the ongoing research and findings of the LINKS project, which…
2023.12.29 Enacting biochar as a climate solution in Denmark Postdoc Inge-Merete Hougaard has recently published the article 'Enacting biochar as a climate…
Global Health Researcher Spotlight 2023.12.20 Jacob Lind: Everyday lives of migrants in vulnerable situations The School of Global Health's Global Health Research Spotlight series focuses on global health…
Case challenge 2023.12.18 Unlocking solutions: Students shine in Global Health Case Challenge to combat infodemics 60 students from 8 different universities and institutions gathered for the University of…
LINKS EU Project 2023.12.14 Leveraging Social Media and Crowdsourcing in Disaster Management Processes in Europe From the report's executive summary: In a changing technological landscape to address disasters,…
RESEARCH 2023.11.29 The influence of cash assistance on the localisation agenda in Kenya’s humanitarian sector Pablo V. Holm-Nielsen, Peter Furu and Emmanuel Raju from COPE and the School of Global Health have…
Research 2023.11.29 Extreme poverty rendering Madagascar vulnerable to underreported extreme heat would not have occurred without climate change Researchers Nick Baumgart and Emmanuel Raju from COPE and the School of Global Health join their…
Opinion editorial 2023.11.27 The patient is always right You can easily convince the chatbot ChatGPT to agree with incorrect and garbled information. That…
Global Health Researcher Spotlight 2023.11.27 Lena Skovgaard Andersen: Mental health challenges of people living with chronic illness The School of Global Health's Global Health Research Spotlight series focuses on global health…
Humanitarian Congress Berlin 2023 2023.11.23 Reflections on the Humanitarian Congress Berlin 2023 Three students studying Disaster Risk Management - Katharina Bucsits, Madeline Ewbank and Christos…
2023.11.22 ‘Who Has Taken My Son?’: Pervasive Missingness, Custodial Disappearances and Revolutionary Violence in Urban India Associate Professor Atreyee Sen has contributed the chapter ‘Who Has Taken My Son (Amar Cheleke Ke…
2023.11.10 ‘Our Society Works’: Disaster Solidarity and Models of Social Life in the Elbe River Valley Disasters have often been analysed as periods of exception that shine light on otherwise opaque…
Global Health Research 2023.11.01 Maansi Parpiani: Urban communities in the context of urban floods The School of Global Health's Global Health Research Spotlight series focuses on global health…
2023.10.31 Digital diaspora: The case of Farkhunda and Afghan women's resistance In their chapter, Waltorp and Ben Haddou discuss communication that is political in nature among…
LINKS EU Project 2023.10.27 Targeting communication in disasters Targeting communication for different groups of citizens based on their individual needs and…
2023.10.25 Computing trust: on writing ‘good’ code in computer science education What does it mean to produce trustworthy code for computer scientists? Based primarily on…
CONFERENCE 2023.10.23 NEEDS Conference 2023 The NEEDS conference aims to explore the status quo and to foster new approaches to disaster…
Symposium 2023.10.04 A research agenda for continuity of chronic health care for forcibly displaced persons On 14 September 2023, University of Copenhagen’s School of Global Health hosted a symposium on the…
Global Health Researcher Spotlight 2023.10.02 Vladimir Ariza-Montañez: Social disease and humanitarian interventions in Colombia Global Health Research Spotlight is a news story series for School of Global Health’s communication…
COVID-19 2023.09.29 Network on Transboundary Pandemic Crises Governance Over the course of the last two years researchers & practitioners from a range of disciplines…
Case Challenge 2023.09.19 Call for young innovators: Urban Health Case Challenge in Warsaw, Poland Are you interested in creating innovative solutions against obesity in urban environments? Be one o…
Global Health Researcher Spotlight 2023.09.04 Suchismita Goswami: Disaster-induced resettlement in India The School of Global Health's Global Health Research Spotlight series focuses on global health…
Research 2023.08.29 Emergency management in small remote communities in the Nordic countries Across the Nordic countries, climate change-related incidents will add further strain to the…
Award 2023.08.28 Michele di Marco, Disaster Management Alumni part of Design for Healthcare SURGE: A Toolkit for the African Region The WHO Téchne, the WHO Regional Office for Africa and the Téchne member Politecnico di Torino were…
Research 2023.08.25 Critical questions on learning from the COVID-19 disaster in India New study critically analyses the Government of India’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic as a…
2023.08.10 Ecological disturbances: Negotiating indigeneity and access to land in Indonesia Associate Professor Birgit Bräuchler has contributed the chapter ‘Ecological disturbances:…
2023.08.10 ‘I can’t remember how many I killed’ …: Child soldiers and memory work in YouTube ‘‘I can’t remember how many I killed’ …: Child soldiers and memory work in YouTube’ (Bräuchler…
Malaria 2023.08.08 Children born from mothers with malaria have a higher risk of developing diabetes New research from University of Copenhagen have found that babies born from mothers with malaria…
Global Health Researcher Spotlight 2023.07.31 Stefanie Harsch: Improving cancer literacy in Kenya Global Health Research Spotlight is a news story series for School of Global Health’s communication…
2023.06.27 Reading Desires: Romanian Pimps Striving for Success in the Transnational Street Economy Assistant Professor Trine Mygind Korsby has published the article 'Reading Desires: Romanian Pimps…
Mental health 2023.06.20 Research priorities for mental health and psychosocial support in humanitarian settings for the years to come Wietse Anton Tol from the University of Copenhagen has developed a consensus-based research agenda…
2023.06.20 The “Transnational Business of Death” Among Somali Migrants in the Streets of Athens Assistant Professor Anja Simonsen has published the article ’The “Transnational Business of Death”…
2023.06.19 Tahriib: Journeys into the Unknown. An Ethnography of Uncertainty in Migration Assistant Professor Anja Simonsen has just published the book Tahriib: Journeys into the Unknown. A…
Award 2023.06.09 Florence Nightingale Medal awarded to Master of Disaster Management alumni We are extremely proud of our disaster management alumni - Rikke Dalsted who was awarded The…
Symposium 2023.06.08 Research achievements of the Building Stronger Universities programme at State University of Zanzibar The partners in the Building Stronger Universities programme at The State University of Zanzibar…
2023.06.07 Transnational Street Business: Migrants in the Informal Urban Economy Camilla Ida Ravnbøl and Assistant Professors Anja Simonsen and Trine Mygind Korsby have co-edited a…
New study 2023.05.26 Climate Change made heatwave in Asia 30 times more likely Extreme humid heat in South Asia in April 2023, largely driven by climate change, detrimental to…
Arctic health 2023.05.16 New affiliated professor in arctic health at University of Copenhagen University of Copenhagen is appointing medical doctor Michael Lynge Pedersen as the new affiliated…
2023.04.26 Securing the Future? IDentity and Security among Migrants, Policymakers, and Tech Developers Associate Professor Kristina Grünenberg and Tenure Track Assistant Professor Anja Simonsen have…
Livestreams 2023.04.25 Did you miss Global Health Film Days? Watch the panels here If you missed Global Health Film Days, you can still watch the panels from most of the events here.
Anniversary 2023.04.25 From Danish to international and global health: 10-year anniversary of the MSc in Global Health 2023 marks the 10-year anniversary of the Master of Science in Global Health, which emerged from th…
Case Competition 2023.04.24 Global Health Case Competition 2023 in Atlanta With support from the School of Global Health, six UCPH students participated in the Emory…
Blind spots 2023.04.14 The global health sector depends on women but favours men Women make up more than 70 percent of the healthcare workforce globally, but the industry still…
New Director 2023.03.17 Lena Skovgaard Andersen is the new Director of University of Copenhagen’s School of Global Health Professor Flemming Konradsen has passed the baton to Assistant Professor Lena Skovgaard Andersen…
2023.03.16 Digital Dependence: Online Fatigue and Coping Strategies During the COVID-19 Lockdown Assistant professor Kristoffer Albris has with colleagues from SODAS, published an article in Media…
COVID-19 2023.03.07 Do rules at folk high schools make sense for young people - What we learned from COVID-19 In June 2020, a study investigated staff and student reactions to folk high schools reopening under…
2023.03.06 Complex Intimacies Assistant Professor Trine Mygind Korsby has contributed the chapter 'Complex Intimacies: Sex Work,…
2023.02.22 Global Art in Local Art Worlds Professor Oscar Salemink and Assistant Professor Jens Sejrup co-edited, Global Art in Local Art…
2023.02.20 This Land Is Not For Sale Together with Lotte Meinert, Professor Susan Reynolds Whyte has co-edited and co-written the book…
2023.02.14 The Rise and Rise of Illegal Ticket Touting Postdoc Alessandro Moretti has come out with the monograph The Rise and Rise of Illegal Ticket…
Climate Change 2023.02.13 Barriers to interdisciplinarity: an early career researchers’ perspective on urban climate governance About a year ago, our Cities in Global Climate Governance early career researchers’ (ECR) group too…
Disaster risk 2023.02.08 COPE researchers at the International Roundtable on Urban Risk and Informality Last month, COPE researchers Maansi Parpiani and Suchismita Goswami participated in the…
Global health research 2023.02.01 New global health research projects about climate change and health in 2023 Danida Fellowship Center has granted the Global Health Section at the University of Copenhagen 30…
NEEDS 2022 2023.01.24 Disasters, Climate Change and Law: Reflections from the NEEDS conference and COPE stay As someone who is interested in the intersection between law and disasters – it is always exciting…
New research 2023.01.09 What characterises emergency response to slowly developing crises and disasters? An EU-funded project hosted at Roskilde University in collaboration with Copenhagen Center for…
COVID-19 2022.12.07 Risk and resilience during the COVID-19 pandemic The study identified five key themes in the experiences of people living with chronic illnesses…
Obituary 2022.11.30 Obituary: Siri Tellier (2 April 1946 – 19 October 2022) Global health and the Section of Global Health at the Department of Public Health, University of…
New research 2022.11.29 Improving the efforts to support families in humanitarian crises New research project sets out to evaluate the Nurturing Families intervention - a scalable,…
Podcast 2022.11.21 New podcast about research capacity development and environmental health in Zanzibar A new podcast series from the University of Copenhagen about research capacity development and…
Antibiotics 2022.10.13 Myths about antibiotics are a much bigger problem than you think A recent study by the University of Copenhagen is used to develop new communication materials…
Mexico 2022.10.03 Mexicans should consume less ultra-processed products – especially pregnant women Ultra-processed products negatively impact Mexican pregnant women, and Mexico could learn a great…
Summer courses 2022.09.13 Global health summer courses: 150 students are ready to tackle future global health challenges Over three weeks, 150 students from more than 20 different countries have participated in School of…
Air Quality 2022.09.07 Not all kinds of lockdown measures for COVID-19 subsequently improved air quality A newly published study by Jiawei Zhang and his colleagues, surprisingly showed that not all kinds…
HIV 2022.07.13 Inadequate access to harm reduction services may cause higher HIV prevalence among women who use drugs in Tanzania People who use drugs are more affected by HIV compared to the general population in Tanzania. In th…
Innovation in global health 2022.07.12 Updated educational resources about innovation in global health Newly updated educational resources about innovation in global health. Freely available to anyone…
Case challenge 2022.06.17 Student innovations to improve the health of indigenous peoples A team from University of Copenhagen participated in the Emory Morningside Global Health Case…
Launch event 2022.05.25 The crisis of unintended pregnancies and the shortcomings of modern contraception United Nation Population Fund’s (UNFPA) State of World Population Report 2022 confirms an alarming…
EAST AFRICA CASE CHALLENGE 2022 2022.04.01 Battle of the brains 50 international students united under the slogan “Battle of the brains” in Zanzibar to come up wit…
PhD Project 2022.03.01 ‘We feel like one big village’: A study on social relations among social housing residents in Denmark With her PhD, Abirami Srivarathan has researched the social relations and neighbourhood environment…
PhD Project 2022.02.10 Improving delivery and care for mothers and newborns in Zanzibar Rashid Saleh Khamis is writing his PhD at the PartoMa project. The research aims to improve the…
New position 2022.01.25 Novo Nordisk Foundation hires Flemming Konradsen as Scientific Director of Global Health Professor Flemming Konradsen has been appointed to a newly established position as Scientific…