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Master's Project

The Master's Project typically comprises a study of particular issues at the students workplace and must demonstrate the student’s ability to formulate, analyse and process issues in a qualified way.
The student will be assigned a supervisor from the Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences and if possible an external supervisor.
Before commencing the Master's project, the student should sign a master's project agreement. Request the master's project agreement from and/or return the signed agreement to the study administration via master@sund.ku.dk.
Master’s projects can be carried out in groups of no more than four students. Any group work must be approved by the supervisor as a part of the master's project agreement. If a Master’s project is written by a group of students, the oral examination must be individual and the student may only attend the examination of the other students in the group if his or her examination has been held.
The language of the Master's project and the oral examination can by agreement with the supervisor be either English or Danish.
The Master's project may also comprise a published or unpublished scientific article, written or co-written by the student. If there is more than one author, each must submit a signed co-writer statement specifying the part or parts of the article for which he or she is responsible. The co-writer statement must reflect the relative contributions at the time of submission as a master's project. The student will be examined on the article in accordance with the rules applying to the master's project exam in general.
All Master’s projects must have an abstract in English (compulsory) and may include an abstract in Danish (optional). The abstract must be one A4 page. The abstract must summarize project aim, the methods used, important findings, a discussion if relevant, and a conclusion. The abstract will be included in the overall assessment of the master's project.
The cover page of the Master’s project must include the title in English, and subtitle if relevant, the student’s name, study programme, the year, the name or names of supervisor/s, department but not the student’s civil registration (CPR) number.
This course is only available for students enrolled on Master of Companion Animal Clinical Science. For more details about the Master's project, refer to the course curriculum.
Read more about the specialisations tracks and the Master's programme on the main page:
Details about Master's Project
Dates and examination
Approximately 6 months.
Examination date
To be agreed between the supervisor and the student.
Please find more details about the exam in the course curriculum. and in the exam schedule.
Overview of examination periods for the Master’s project
Examination period | Start date | Deadline: Master’s project agreement | Deadline: Master’s project | Oral Examination |
Summer | February 1st | Early February | Early August | Mid-September |
Summer re-exam | February 1st | Early February | Late October | Early to Mid-December |
Winter |
September 1st | Early September | Early March | Mid-April |
Winter re-exam |
September 1st | Early September | Late May | Late June /Early July |
Tuition fees
EU/EEA citizens:
21,000 DKK*
Non-EU/EEA citizens:
29,480 DKK
*Citizens of the EU, EEA or Switzerland is entitled to a subsidised tuition fee, due to EU legislation, hence the difference in price.
Admission criteria
Only available for enrolled students.
The Master's project is not available for single course students.
Before you defend your thesis, you must have completed both the core and the specialisation courses within the specialisation track of your choice.
Read more about Master of Companion Animal Clinical Science.
If you are already a student on Master of Companion Animal Clinical Science, you will automatically be admitted to the Master's project.
University of Copenhagen
University Hospital for Companion Animals
Dyrlægevej 16
1958 Frederiksberg
Christine Gulstad
Study Administration Officer
Tel.: +45 35 32 12 73