Courses and degree programmes

If you are interested in or already registered for a specific course or degree programme, you can find contacts who can answer your questions regarding individual course and programme descriptions:

Customised courses

If you are interested in a customised course for your company or organisation, you can find contact information and read more about the options below:

Faculties at the University of Copenhagen

You can also contact the relevant faculty:



Faculty of Law

Faculty of Social Sciences

  • Email:  
  • Tel.: +45 52 16 77 73
  • Continuing education at the Faculty of Social Sciences

If you have any questions about Open University, please send an email to 

Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences

  • Email:
  • Tel.: +45 35 33 60 66
    You are welcome to call us. If we do not respond, please leave a message or send us an email saying that you want us to call you back.
  • Continuing education at the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences

Faculty of Theology

General questions

If you have any general questions about continuing education at the University of Copenhagen, you can send an email to