Molecular Cell Biology

Course description
The main goal of the course is for the participant to develop an understanding of how knowledge in molecular cell biology is obtained through experimental approaches. This objective is reached through discussion of selected aspects of molecular cell biology, many of which deal with the changes taking place in cancer cells. Through discussion of experiments and their results, by in-debt evaluation of primary data from publications, as well as de-novo interpretation of presented data, the participant is expected to obtain the ability to demonstrate specific knowledge, to read, understand and follow the validity of conclusions from experimental data from primary scientific literature, and use this knowledge when planning and interpreting experiments.
Recommended academic qualifications
It is necessary that the participant has solid knowledge of basic biochemistry and molecular biology. Furthermore, experience with reading original scientific literature is an advantage. Students should have qualifications corresponding to one of the following sets of courses:
A: Molecular Biology, Genetics and Biotechnology (Molekylærbiologi, genetik og bioteknologi) and Protein Science and Enzyme Technology (Proteinvidenskab og enzymteknologi) of the bachelor curriculum for biochemistry students.
B. Protein Chemistry and Enzymology I and II (Proteinkemi og enzymologi I og II), Molecular Biology (Molekylærbiologi) and Cell Biology (Medicinsk celle- og vævsbiologi) of the bachelor curriculum for molecular biomedicine students
C. General Biochemistry (Almen biokemi), General Molecular Biology (Almen Molekylærbiologi) and General Cell Biology (Almen Cellebiologi) of the bachelor curriculum for biology students.
- The University of Copenhagen
- Department of Biology
SCIENCE Student Services
Call (+45) 35 33 35 33 from 9.00-12:30 (closed Wednesdays)
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