Biodiversity in Urban Nature

Course description
WHY Biodiversity in Urban Nature (BUN): Obligations to international conventions, ecosystem services close to everyday life and reconnection with nature in cities, e.g. psychosocial effects, education, etc.
WHAT is BUN: Biological diversity (biodiversity) at different levels from the genome to ecosystem level. Increasing biodiversity and supporting wildlife of all sorts in urban surroundings. We focus predominantly on the species level and broader taxonomical groups, extending to habitat-types applicable to numerous urban green space types.
HOW to increase BUN: Presentation and discussion of scientific literature and practical measures to increase biodiversity and in- and out-of-class exercises with this; for example, manipulations of urban surroundings which can increase diversity of flora and fauna in the urban environment. We focus on evidence-based solutions from the global research community, active researchers and practitioners working with urban nature in Copenhagen.
Recommended academic qualifications
If you have completed the Forestry and Landscape Engineering programme, you are qualified for this course.
Academic qualifications equivalent to a BSc degree is recommended.
The University of Copenhagen
- Department of Geoscience and Natural Resource Management
SCIENCE Student Services
Call (+45) 35 33 35 33 from 9.00-12:30 (closed Wednesdays)
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