Upgrade your skills in biodiversity

Today, there is a strong focus on biodiversity, and many people want to help increase it. The challenge is that ecosystems’ function, resistance, ability to regenerate and composition of species depend on variation in the living nature. With a course in biodiversity, you will be able to assess progress and decline in ecosystems’ stability. You can improve your skills to quickly and effectively identify specific Danish plant families and belonging plant species. Such skills are important when working with practical vegetation analyses, management tasks, conservation biology and all forms of plant use.

Zoom in on biodiversity in nature, management and urban planning

Biodiversity is a cornerstone in developing urban nature. By choosing a course in this field, you will be equipped to recommend initiatives that can increase biodiversity at specified locations in cities. This may be parks, public gardens, churchyards, ponds and green roofs. You will gain the necessary skills to design and plan urban nature that increases biodiversity.

Customised courses

Are you looking for a course on biodiversity that matches the needs of your company or organisation?

Courses can be customised and organised to enhance your employees’ skills within a specific area of your interest and that matches your reality.


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